If you select WordPress as your CMS you can choose to create your own template or select one of the thousands of free and/or paid worthy options that we previously had mentioned. But say you want to know more about templates, or if none of the pre-paid ones catch your fancy, well then why not create your own?

What is a WordPress Template?

Taking it right from WordPress itself, “Templates are the files which control how your WordPress site will be displayed on the Web.” [1] What’s great about WordPress is that you can choose to have as many or as few of templates composed under a theme for specific situations. For example, you might want to have different text displayed depending on which category of your page the user is viewing (You can learn more about this by clicking the source link). [2]

Why are WordPress templates important?

The number one reason that WordPress templates are so important is that they help to separate the presentation style and function style. In essence this is so that when the website’s user goes to make changes to the content of the site, they are not interfering with the site’s visual presentation. WordPress templates also have other benefits as well, they allow for easy customization, allows for the easy and quick changes to the visual components and of the layout, and it removes the stress and worrisome that comes with the site owner having to learn coding in order to maintain and have a presentable site. [3]

Why should I create my own WordPress site when I can just pick a free one someone else made?

Well, if you are a web design enthusiast then you should WANT to create your own template. This allows you the opportunity to be able to show off your HTML, CSS, and PHP skills (and potential bragging rights to your friends that you created this site). Creating a blank template will also allow you to continue to learn these coding techniques as your design your own template; you might just learn something new! It is also a fun creative way to showcase your design skills, plus you will be able to design yourself a template that no one else has! And if you like it so much and you want others to enjoy it as well, you can release it to the WordPress public (that’s definite bragging rights). [4]


[1] https://codex.wordpress.org/Templates

[2] https://codex.wordpress.org/Category_Templates

[3] https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development

[4] https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development