As the last day of the summer semester has fallen upon us and my final project is submitted, I wanted to reflect on my thoughts of WordPress especially coming from knowing practically nothing about it in the beginning of this course, so here are my final thoughts:

  1. WordPress taught me how to use a CMS and how to be able to integrate content without coding it directly in a text editor. Overall I thought this was way easier than having to go into the text editor to directly update content but it did force you to think what is the best way to present the content, meaning through page text, a widget, or plugin.
  2. Through the two projects and as mentioned in an earlier post, I had a lot of frustration with plugins that WordPress offered. At any given time I could spend 1-2 hours installing and deactivating plugins to find the perfect one.
  3. WordPress is pretty easy to use and understand. As with anything the more time and effort put into understand it as a CMS the more availability for functionality I find it has.
  4. I am really glad that we learned how to build a custom template from the ground up, how to create custom separate page templates, and how to integrate and style features through skeleton.

Overall, I am really glad that this class focused on WordPress as it is a highly used CMS system utilized by a variety of organizations. Although I’m sure that we only briefly scratched the surface of this CMS I do feel like the possibilities are endless.